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I'm Italian. So naturally I love rich, old-school Italian meals.  What I don't love however, is how I can barely zip my jeans and have an intense need for a nap afterwards!  All of those extra pasta carbs and too much fat causes immediate bloating...

As a regular contributor to the New England Patriots website, Nutrition Chef Valerie knows what football fans want to eat on game day!  This Corn, Bacon & Avocado Dip is deceptively healthy (not to mention delicious and easy to make!)  How does Valerie get away with adding corn and bacon to a dip and calling it healthy?  Keep reading to find out...
Need a go-to smoothie for those busy mornings and afternoons? Try my Banana Almond Smoothie - It’s sweet, simple and perfectly balanced to help you burn fat, build muscle, increase your energy and reduce cravings. If you use a really sweet protein powder, a touch of vegan yogurt or low fat plain Greek yogurt can help balance the smoothie.  Make sure to check out this smoothie AND follow the amazing women at Blender Babes- you'll find so many cool recipes and health tips!

Ready for Superbowl? Two game day favorites (buffalo chicken and chili) come together in this mouth-watering, fat-blasting recipe Buffalo Chicken Chili. Watch my guest, Host of Totally Patriots, JAM’N 94.5 and Reality TV Star Ashlee Feldman & I whip up this easy, amazing dish perfect...

Nutrition Coach & Chef, Valerie Cogswell's mouth-watering, fat burning recipes are featured in the book, "Why Kids Make You Fat...And How to Get Your Body Back."  Written by Mark Macdonald, this book includes a proven eight week plan for busy parents to lose weight, easy recipes (including family style options), real-life strategies and a specific workout regimen.
Many people resort to extreme diet trends in order to lose weight. But Valerie Cogswell, a certified nutrition coach and chef, will tell you that the secret to looking and feeling healthy is not deprivation, but properly fueling the body. The Weymouth resident, who spends much of her time cooking up delicious recipe ideas in her home kitchen, doesn’t like “diet” food. Instead, she specializes in creating all-natural, restaurant-quality dishes that deliver the perfect combination of protein, carbohydrates and fat. Eating this way balances blood sugar levels, which in turn helps burn fat, build lean muscle and boost metabolism and energy.

So it's Fall and football season which means it's the perfect time for chili. Personally, regular chili bores me, but my Buffalo Chicken Chili is anything but boring! It's actually almost famous because it's been featured on both the New England Patriots website and the...

Most households order pizza at least once a week.  While I’m all about the occasional indulgence, take- out pizza is loaded in artificial ingredients, excess fat and carbs.   So, I found a way to make the easiest, most flavorful pizza with fresh ingredients while keeping...

Sick of dieting?  I was too.  That's why I created this website.  Like many of you, I grew up dieting. I can remember being thirteen years old and worrying about how much fat was in a slice of cheese. Crazy, I know. By the time...

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