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You guys recently asked me for more super easy and delicious breakfast recipes to help you burn fat and boost your metabolism all day long.  Say hello to the Sweet Caramelized Banana Omelet.   Part breakfast. Part dessert.  Completely yum.   I know a sweet omelet sounds...

If you’re like me, you want to be fit, healthy, energized and confident. But you refuse to starve yourself, count calories or succumb to “diet food” because to you, it’s just not worth it. You’re willing to work for what you want but only if...

High fructose corn syrup. Sodium Hexametaphosphate. Caramel color.  These are the ingredients listed in Aunt Jemima syrup. The syrup millions of people, mostly kids, smother their pancakes with every day. Want to know the one thing missing in the list of ingredients in Aunt Jemima...

If you’ve read my previous blog on how diets actually cause weight gain, you were probably nodding your head, thinking, “Yup, been there!”  Many of you reached out and said that you had been struggling for years to lose weight and now you finally understood...

I went shopping for jeans the other day.  For the record, buying jeans is my second most hated shopping excursion (after bathing suit shopping of course.)  So I’m looking in the mirror and I can barely concentrate on the jeans because I’m so focused on...

I haven’t gotten on a scale since 1999 (well..with the exception of the mandatory weigh-in at the doctor’s of course.) There are many compelling reasons why I broke up with my scale.  But the main one? My scale is a liar.  And yours is too....

I first tried Mexican style corn on the cob at Toro in Boston and fell just a little bit in love. Charred corn on the grill.  A smooth, creamy aioli with garlic and lime and cotija cheese. Sign me up! The next day I was...

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